Moxikind CV 625mg Tablet: Use, Side Effects, Price |Aum Pharmacy
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Moxikind CV 625MG Tablet


Moxikind-CV 625mg Tablet, comprising Amoxicillin and Clavulanic Acid, is an antibiotic for various bacterial infections like middle ear, sinus, respiratory, genital, urinary, skin, and soft tissue infections, including dental, bone, joint, septic abortion, and abdominal infections. Avoid if you have liver issues or jaundice due to antibiotics. Inform your doctor about liver or kidney problems, glandular fever, or urinary difficulties. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, children under 12, and elderly over 50 should use it cautiously. Common side effects like diarrhea, thrush, nausea, and vomiting may occur but can be managed by taking it with meals. Complete the prescribed course even if symptoms improve. Report persistent side effects to your doctor. Discuss allergies, kidney or liver issues, and concurrent medications with your doctor. Generally safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding when prescribed by a doctor.

Prescription Required


Mankind Pharma Ltd


Amoxycillin (500mg) + Clavulanic Acid (125mg)


Store below 30°C

SKU: PRO97 Category: Product ID: 10344



Moxikind-CV 625mg Tablet combines Amoxicillin and Clavulanic Acid, which are classified as antibiotics. It treats bacterial infections like middle ear, sinus, respiratory, genital, urinary, skin, and soft tissue infections, including dental, bone, joint, septic abortion, and abdominal infections. Symptoms of bacterial infection may include fever, difficulty breathing, pus formation, and pain.

However, Moxikind-CV 625mg Tablet isn’t recommended if you have liver issues or jaundice due to antibiotic use. Inform your doctor if you have hepatic or renal impairment, glandular fever, or difficulty urinating. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should use it cautiously, as should children under 12 and elderly patients over 50.

Common side effects include diarrhea, thrush, nausea, and vomiting. Take Moxikind-CV 625mg Tablet regularly with meals to reduce stomach upset. Finish the entire prescribed course even if symptoms improve, as stopping early may lead to the return or worsening of infection.

Side effects like nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, fungal infections, skin rashes, and vaginitis are usually mild. Inform your doctor if they persist. Discuss any allergies, kidney or liver issues, or other medications with your doctor before taking Moxikind-CV 625mg Tablet. It’s generally safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding if prescribed by a doctor.


  1. Middle ear infections: Bacterial invasion behind the eardrum causing discomfort and pain.
  2. Sinus infections: Bacterial inflammation of the sinuses, leading to symptoms like facial pain and congestion.
  3. Respiratory tract infections: Infections affecting the airways and lungs, causing symptoms like cough, chest congestion, and difficulty breathing.
  4. Urinary tract infections: Bacterial infections cause pain or burning when urinating, frequent urination, and lower abdomen pain. They also impact the urinary system.

Additionally, the medication may have other applications. For detailed information, please consult your doctor.


  • Treatment of Bacterial Infections: Moxikind CV 625 Tablet comprises Amoxicillin and Clavulanic Acid, which work synergistically to eliminate bacteria-causing infections. Amoxicillin halts bacterial growth, while Clavulanic Acid reduces resistance and enhances Amoxicillin’s efficacy against bacteria.


  • Moxikind CV 625 Tablet effectively treats bacterial infections like ear, sinus, throat, lung, urinary tract, skin, dental, joint, and bone infections. Although symptoms may improve within a few days, continue the medication as prescribed to ensure complete eradication of bacteria and prevent resistance.


  • Consult your doctor before starting this medication.
  • Take the Moxikind-CV 625 Tablet with a meal.
  • Do not crush or chew the tablets.
  • Store the medicine in a tightly closed container below 30°C.
  • Avoid using expired medicine or sharing it without medical advice.

Film-coated tablets:

  • Swallow the tablet with a glass of water as directed by your doctor. Do not crush or chew it. Your doctor will determine the correct dose and duration based on age, weight, and condition.

Dispersible tablets:

  • Place the tablet in your mouth, let it dissolve, then swallow. Do not crush or chew it. Your doctor will prescribe the appropriate dose and duration based on age, weight, and condition.

Powder for oral suspension (sachets):

  • Open the sachet, mix the contents thoroughly in a glass of water, and swallow immediately. Do not crush or chew. Your doctor will prescribe the appropriate dose and duration based on age, weight, and condition.


  • Moxikind CV 625 Tablet combines two components: Amoxicillin and Clavulanic Acid.
  • Amoxicillin, an antibiotic, hinders the formation of bacterial protective coverings crucial for their survival.
  • Clavulanic Acid, a beta-lactamase inhibitor, diminishes resistance and augments Amoxicillin’s bacterial activity.


Amoxicillin, a penicillin, obstructs enzyme activity vital for bacterial cell wall synthesis. Clavulanic Acid, a beta-lactam structurally akin to penicillin, neutralizes beta-lactamase enzymes, thus preserving Amoxicillin’s effectiveness.

By combining these ingredients, the Moxikind-CV 625 Tablet efficiently combats bacterial infections.


  • Keep Moxikind-CV 625 Tablet stored below 25°C.
  • Shield the medication from both light and moisture.
  • Ensure the product remains inaccessible to children.
  • Utilize the medicine before its expiration date as indicated on the packaging.
  • Store the medication in its original packaging at or below 25°C to prevent moisture absorption.
  • Safeguard it from access by children and pets.


Daily Dosage:

  • Follow your doctor’s precise instructions for taking the Moxikind-CV 625 Tablet. Dosage may vary based on individual factors and response to treatment.
  • It’s critical to follow the recommended dosage strictly. Stay within it by consulting your doctor.


  • If you accidentally take too many Moxikind-CV 625 Tablets, seek immediate medical assistance from your doctor or a nearby hospital.

Missed Dose:

  • Take the dose as soon as you remember if you forget to take it. If your next dose is soon due, skip the one you missed and continue your routine.
  • After consulting your doctor, only double the dose to compensate for a missed one.



  • Diarrhea
  • Thrush (fungal infection in the vagina, skin folds, or mouth)
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting


  • Skin rash
  • Itching
  • Raised itchy rash (hives)
  • Indigestion
  • Dizziness
  • Headache


  • Erythema multiforme (skin rash resembling small targets)
  • Reversible leukopenia, including neutropenia (deficiency of white blood cells)
  • Reversible thrombocytopenia (deficiency of blood platelets)

If you encounter any of the following, stop taking Moxikind-CV 625mg Tablet and call your doctor.

  • Signs of allergic reactions on the skin, like a rash
  • Signs of vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels), such as raised red or purple spots on the skin
  • Signs of allergic reactions like fever, joint pain, swollen glands
  • Signs of angioedema, such as facial or mouth swelling resulting in breathing difficulty
  • Liver inflammation (hepatitis)
  • Jaundice
  • Kidney tubes inflammation
  • Prolongation of blood clotting time
  • Convulsions
  • Black tongue with a hairy appearance
  • Teeth staining



  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids. Avoid self-medication and consult your doctor if symptoms worsen.

Nausea and Vomiting:

  • Take Moxikind-CV 625mg Tablet with or after a meal. Steer clear of rich or spicy foods and stick to simple meals. Consult your doctor if symptoms worsen.

Warnings & Precautions


  • Use with caution if necessary. Could you consult your doctor before taking it?


  • Use with caution. Could you consult your doctor before taking it?

Driving and Machine Use:

  • Avoid if feeling unwell.


  • Use with caution in renal impairment. Could you consult your doctor before taking it?


  • It is not recommended if there is a history of liver problems or jaundice after antibiotic use. Use with caution in hepatic impairment. Could you consult your doctor before taking it?


  • Avoid if allergic to components. Could you consult your doctor before taking it?

Other Precautions:

  • Inform your doctor if you have glandular fever or difficulty urinating.
  • Use with caution in pediatric and geriatric patients. Could you consult your doctor before taking it?


  • MOXIKIND CV 625 tablet is an antibiotic effective against various bacterial infections in multiple body systems.
  • It contains Clavulanic acid, enhancing the action of Amoxicillin against bacteria.
  • Avoid MOXIKIND CV 625 tablet if you have liver issues or previous jaundice linked to antibiotic use. Please inform your doctor before taking it about any liver or kidney problems, glandular fever, or difficulty urinating.
  • Use caution in pregnant or breastfeeding women, children under 12, and elderly individuals over 50.
  • Common side effects include diarrhea, thrush, nausea, and vomiting. Contact your doctor if symptoms worsen.
  • Probiotics may alleviate diarrhea while taking Moxikind-CV 625 tablets.
  • Avoid antacids 2 hours before or after taking this medication.
  • Discontinue use and seek medical attention if you experience an itchy rash, facial swelling, or breathing difficulties.
  • Do not self-medicate with leftover medication. Always consult your doctor before using antibiotics.
  • Stick to simple meals, avoid spicy or rich foods, and stay hydrated while taking MOXIKIND CV 625 Tablet.


Medication Interactions: Certain medications may influence the effectiveness of MOXIKIND CV 625mg Tablet, or vice versa. For instance:

  • When combined with blood-thinning medications like warfarin or acenocoumarol, there’s an elevated risk of bleeding, necessitating regular blood tests such as PT-INR monitoring.
  • Methotrexate, a cancer treatment, may produce heightened side effects when used alongside MOXIKIND CV 625mg Tablet.
  • Caution is advised when combining MOXIKIND CV 625mg Tablet with drugs for gout (e.g., allopurinol, probenecid) or medications altering immune responses during organ transplants (e.g., mycophenolate mofetil).

Food Interactions: For optimal tolerance, consuming MOXIKIND CV 625mg Tablet after meals is recommended, minimizing the likelihood of stomach discomfort.

To prevent potential interactions, always inform your doctor about any other medications, herbal supplements, or dietary additions you’re taking.


Q: What is the MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet used for?

– MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet manages various bacterial infections, including the middle ear, sinus, respiratory tract, genital tract, urinary tract, skin, soft tissue, dental, bone, joint, septic abortion, and abdominal infections.

Q: What happens if you take more than the required MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet dose?

– Exceeding the recommended dose of MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet can lead to adverse effects such as gastrointestinal symptoms. In case of an overdose, seek medical assistance immediately.

Q: What side effects are associated with MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet?

– Common side effects of MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet include diarrhea, thrush, nausea, and vomiting. Contact your doctor if any symptoms worsen.

Q: Who should avoid taking the MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet?

– Avoid MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet if you are allergic to its components or have liver issues. It’s not recommended for those with a history of jaundice due to antibiotics.

Q: Is MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet safe for children?

– MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet should be used cautiously in children under 12. Children aged six or below are typically administered oral suspension or sachets. Always consult your doctor before use.

Q: How does the MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet work?

– MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet combines amoxicillin, which inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis, and clavulanic acid, which prevents bacterial enzyme inactivation of amoxicillin.

Q: What is the recommended method for taking MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet?

– Take the MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet as directed by your physician. It’s typically swallowed whole with water or, if in dispersible form, dissolved and swallowed. Dosage and duration depend on your condition.

Q: What should I do if I forget to take a MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet dose?

– Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. However, if it’s close to your next dose, skip the missed one—only double dose by consulting your doctor.

Q: When should I stop taking the MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet?

– Complete the entire course of MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet, even if symptoms improve, to ensure the eradication of bacteria and prevent relapse.

Q: Is MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet safe for liver patients?

– MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet isn’t recommended for those with liver issues or a history of jaundice due to antibiotics. Consult your doctor before use.

Q: Can MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet cause diarrhea?

– Yes, diarrhea is a common side effect of MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet. If severe or persistent, consult your doctor.

Q: Is MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet effective for cough?

– MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet isn’t indicated for cough as it’s an antibiotic. It’s essential to consult a doctor for proper treatment.

Q: Should MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet be taken before or after meals?

– MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet can be taken with or without food, but it’s advisable to take it after meals to minimize stomach discomfort.

Q: Is MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet effective against COVID-19?

– MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet isn’t indicated for COVID-19 treatment. Consult your doctor if you suspect COVID-19 infection.

Q: What is the dosage of MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet for adults? The severity of the condition determines dosage and should be prescribed by a doctor.

Is MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet effective for throat infections?

– It can be prescribed for throat infections but always under medical supervision.

Q: Is MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet a painkiller?

– No, it’s an antibiotic and doesn’t relieve pain.

Q: What precautions should be taken with the MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet?

– Avoid MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet if allergic to penicillins, and inform your doctor of any liver issues. Follow your doctor’s advice for optimal use.

Q: Can MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet cause allergic reactions?

– Yes, allergic reactions can occur. Seek immediate medical attention if signs like hives or difficulty breathing occur.

Q: Can MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet cause contraceptive failure?

– It may lower the efficacy of birth control pills. Consult your doctor for alternative contraception methods while using the MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet.

Q: Can I stop MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet once my symptoms improve?

– To prevent bacterial resistance, complete the course as prescribed, even if symptoms improve.

Q: Does MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet interact with other medications?

– Discuss all medications and supplements with your doctor to avoid interactions.

Q: How should the MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet be stored and disposed of?

– Store in a closed container below 25°C, away from light and moisture. Dispose of unused medicine safely.

Q: Does MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet cause drowsiness?

– No, it doesn’t typically cause drowsiness. Should you encounter any unexpected consequences, speak with your physician.

Q: How can I Buy or order MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet from Aum Pharmacy?

– To buy or order MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet from Aum Pharmacy, follow these simple steps:

  • Search for the product: Visit Aum Pharmacy’s website and search for MOXIKIND CV 625MG Tablet
  • Add to cart: Once you find the product, add it.
  • Proceed to checkout: Check your cart and continue to the payment page.
  • Prescription required: Make sure you have a current prescription, as some purchases could need it.
  • Complete your purchase: Complete the required fields to finish your order.

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