Zifi 200MG Tablet 10'S: Price, Uses, Side Effects | Aum Pharmacy
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Zifi 200MG Tablet


Zifi 200mg Tablet is prescribed for bacterial infections in the ear, nose, sinuses, throat, lungs, and urinary system, including sinusitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, cystitis, and uncomplicated gonorrhea. It contains Cefixime, which inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis, leading to their destruction. Common side effects include diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal discomfort. Avoid if allergic to cefixime, and inform your doctor about any colitis, renal dysfunction, liver disease, or seizure disorders. Do not self-medicate to prevent antibiotic resistance. Use caution if pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning pregnancy, and avoid driving if dizziness occurs. Complete the prescribed course and do not use for viral infections.

Prescription Required




Cefixime (200mg)


Store below 30°C

SKU: PRO89 Category: Product ID: 10325



Zifi 200mg Tablet is prescribed to treat bacterial infections in various body parts such as the ear, nose, sinuses, throat, chest, lungs, and urinary system. It effectively targets susceptible bacteria, including those causing sinusitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, and cystitis. Additionally, it is used for uncomplicated gonorrhea.

They contain Cefixime. Zifi 200 Tablet works by inhibiting bacterial cell wall synthesis, leading to their destruction. This action helps eradicate bacterial infections effectively.

Follow your doctor’s instructions precisely when taking Zifi 200 Tablet. While common side effects like diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal discomfort may occur, they typically subside gradually. However, persistent side effects should be discussed with your doctor.

Avoid Zifi 200 Tablet if you are allergic to cefixime or cephalosporin antibiotics. Before starting the medication, inform your doctor about any colitis, renal dysfunction, liver disease, or seizure disorders. Refrain from self-medication to prevent antibiotic resistance.

Discuss with your doctor if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning pregnancy before taking Zifi 200 Tablet. Use caution while driving, as dizziness may occur.

Zifi 200 Tablet effectively treats respiratory, urinary, ear, throat, and some sexually transmitted infections. Ensure you complete the prescribed course and do not use it for viral infections. Inform your doctor about any allergies, kidney or liver issues, and other medications you are taking. Zifi 200 Tablet is generally considered safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding under medical supervision.


  • Zifi 200 MG tablets are antibiotics used for treating bacterial infections.
  • Common infections treated include urinary tract infections, lung infections, throat infections, and sinus infections.
  • It effectively manages tonsillitis, middle ear infections, and cervical/urethral infections.
  • Zifi is also prescribed for respiratory tract infections like bronchitis and pneumonia.
  • It is effective against urinary tract infections such as cystitis and kidney infections.
  • Genital tract infections like gonorrhea and stomach/biliary tract infections like cholecystitis can also be treated with Zifi.
  • Additionally, Zifi is used to manage typhoid fever.


  • Zifi 200 Tablet is an antibiotic medication that treats bacterial infections throughout the body.
  • It works by eliminating infection-causing bacteria and relieving symptoms within a few days.
  • Continuation of the prescribed course is crucial to prevent the recurrence of the infection and ensure the complete eradication of bacteria.
  • This short-term medication inhibits bacterial growth by disrupting the formation of their protective covering, which is essential for their survival.
  • It effectively prevents and treats various bacterial infections affecting the lungs, throat, urinary tract, sinuses, chest, and kidneys.
  • Additionally, Zifi 200 Tablet is prescribed for the treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea in cervical and urethral regions.


Common Side Effects:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Stomach discomfort, indigestion, diarrhea, or flatulence
  • Headache, dizziness
  • Itching in the genital or vaginal areas

Rare Side Effects (Seek Medical Attention):

  • Severe allergic reactions: Skin rash, itching, swelling of the face, lips, throat, or tongue, leading to difficulty in breathing or swallowing
  • Severe skin reactions: Widespread skin rash, blistering, peeling, or bleeding with fever, chills, enlarged lymph nodes, malaise, or pink or reddish skin lesions on palms or soles
  • Unusual bleeding or bruising, bleeding from the nose or gums accompanied by pale skin, tiredness, chills, and shortness of breath
  • Bloody urine or difficulties in urination
  • Signs of brain damage: Seizures with or without confusion, reduced alertness, and abnormal muscle movements
  • Stomach damage signs: Severe uncontrollable watery diarrhea, weakness, and fever


  • Nausea or vomiting: Take ZIFI 200MG TABLET with or just after meals, and opt for simple meals. Avoid spicy or oily foods. Severe symptoms should be reported to the doctor promptly.
  • Diarrhea: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, such as water or fruit juice. Oral rehydration solutions (ORS) can also help. Avoid self-medication and contact your doctor if diarrhea worsens.


  • Take Zifi 200 tablet with adequate water as instructed by your physician.
  • Don’t use more than the recommended amount or length of time.
  • Always complete the entire course of antibiotic treatment; continue it.


  • Swallow the tablet or capsule whole with water; do not crush, break, or chew it.

Dispersible Tablet:

  • Follow the instructions on the label carefully. Dissolve the tablet in the recommended amount of water and consume the mixture. Avoid crushing, chewing, or swallowing it whole.


  • Refer to the label for specific instructions. Mix the powder or granules in water, stir well, and drink immediately. Avoid crushing or chewing them.


  • Zifi 200 Tablet is an antibiotic medication that effectively eliminates bacteria by disrupting the formation of their protective covering, the cell wall, which is essential for their survival.
  • Containing Cefixime, Zifi 200 inhibits the growth of bacterial cell walls, leading to bacterial death.
  • ZIFI 200MG TABLET possesses potent bacteriostatic properties, disrupting bacterial cell wall synthesis to eradicate susceptible bacteria. Its unique feature lies in its ability to withstand toxic proteins produced by bacteria, such as beta-lactamases. This combined mechanism effectively eradicates susceptible bacteria, curtails their proliferation, and mitigates the severity of the infection.


  • Store Zifi 200 MG below 25°C, shielding it from direct light exposure to maintain its potency.
  • Ensure it is kept out of reach of children and pets to prevent accidental ingestion.
  • Stow it in an excellent, dry location away from sunlight to preserve its efficacy.


  • Zifi 200mg tablet is prescribed for bacterial infections like ear, throat, respiratory, urinary, genital, and biliary tract infections. Follow your doctor’s prescribed course diligently.
  • Never self-medicate with a Zifi 200 tablet. Seek medical advice before use.
  • Inform your doctor about your medical history and all other medications you are taking.
  • Side effects, such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and indigestion, may occur. If they persist, inform your doctor.
  • Take Zifi 200 Tablet precisely as prescribed, even if symptoms improve. Completing the course is crucial to eradicate the infection.
  • Take it with food to minimize stomach upset. If diarrhea persists after the course or any allergic reactions occur, discontinue use and consult your doctor immediately.


Overdose: If you accidentally take too much Zifi 200, seek immediate medical attention. Large quantities of this medicine can lead to brain damage (Encephalopathy).

Missed Dose: It’s essential to finish the entire course of antibiotics. Try not to miss any doses. If you forget a dose of Zifi 200 tablet, take it as soon as you remember. If your next dose is almost here, skip the missed one and continue your routine.



  • Use ZIFI 200MG TABLET during pregnancy only if advised by the doctor. Consult your physician before taking it if you are pregnant.


  • Exercise caution while using ZIFI 200MG TABLET during breastfeeding. Please seek advice from your doctor before taking it.

Driving and Operating Machinery:

  • Avoid driving or handling heavy machinery if ZIFI 200MG TABLET affects your alertness or coordination.

Alcohol Consumption:

  • Refrain from alcohol consumption while on ZIFI 200MG TABLET, as it may increase dizziness.

Kidney Function:

  • Use ZIFI 200MG TABLET cautiously if you have kidney issues. Could you consult your doctor before taking it?


  • Do not take ZIFI 200MG TABLET if you have a known allergy to Cefixime or other cephalosporin antibiotics, including penicillins.

Other Precautions:

  • Inform your doctor if you have a history of colitis or if you have upcoming blood or urine tests.
  • ZIFI 200MG TABLET can be prescribed for children and adolescents aged ten years or older under medical supervision.
  • Use caution in elderly patients; consult your doctor before taking it.


Drug Warnings:

Zifi 200 Tablet has been sporadically linked with severe allergic reactions leading to shock and fatalities. Discontinue use immediately if any reaction occurs. Avoid Zifi 200 Tablet if you have allergies to Cefixime, cephalosporin antibiotics, or other medication components. Before taking Zifi 200 Tablet, consult your doctor if you have a history of seizures, liver or kidney dysfunction, heart conditions, or colitis. Exercise caution and seek medical advice before using Zifi 200 Tablet during pregnancy, planning for pregnancy, or breastfeeding. Be cautious while driving as the Zifi 200 Tablet may cause dizziness. Inform your healthcare provider about your Zifi 200 Tablet usage before undergoing any tests, as it may interfere with specific test results.

Drug Interactions:

Drug-Drug Interactions: Zifi 200 Tablet may interact with specific vaccines (BCG, cholera, typhoid), anticoagulant drugs (warfarin), and anticonvulsants (carbamazepine).

Drug-Food Interactions: No significant interactions have been identified.

Drug-Disease Interactions: Zifi 200 Tablet may interact with certain medical conditions, including colitis, renal dysfunction, liver disease, and seizure disorders.

Diet & Lifestyle Advice:

After completing the entire course of Zifi 200 Tablet, consider taking probiotics to replenish healthy gut bacteria that may have been depleted. Probiotics may lessen the likelihood of diarrhea brought on by antibiotics. Incorporate fiber-rich foods into your diet, as they can nourish beneficial gut bacteria. Whole grains like whole-grain bread and brown rice are beneficial.

Limit calcium and iron-enriched foods and beverages, as they may interfere with Zifi 200 Tablet efficacy. Avoid alcoholic drinks while taking Zifi 200 Tablet, as alcohol can dehydrate the body and disrupt sleep, potentially hindering the body’s ability to combat infections.


Q: What is the use of ZIFI 200MG TABLET?

– ZIFI 200MG TABLET treats bacterial infections affecting various body parts such as the ear, nose, throat, sinus, respiratory tract, urinary tract, biliary tract, genital tract, and typhoid fever.

Q: How does ZIFI 200MG TABLET work in the body?

– ZIFI 200MG TABLET is a potent antibiotic that inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis, leading to the destruction of susceptible bacteria. Unlike other cephalosporins, it can remain unaffected by bacterial toxic proteins, further aiding in bacterial elimination.

Q: Can ZIFI 200MG TABLET be used in patients with kidney problems?

– ZIFI 200MG TABLET should be cautiously administered in individuals with kidney issues. Could you consult your doctor before taking it?

Q: How should I take the ZIFI 200MG TABLET?

– Take ZIFI 200MG TABLET as directed by your physician. Eat or not, swallow the entire tablet with a glass of water. Do not crush or chew the tablet. For dispersible tablets, follow reconstitution instructions as provided.

Q: how long should I take the ZIFI 200MG TABLET?

– Take ZIFI 200MG TABLET for the prescribed duration without skipping doses. Stopping the medication prematurely may lead to the recurrence of infection.

Q: Can ZIFI 200MG TABLET be given to pregnant women?

– Pregnant women should only use ZIFI 200MG TABLET if prescribed by a doctor. Please consult your doctor for advice before taking it during pregnancy.

Q: What precautions should I follow while taking ZIFI 200MG TABLET?

– Inform your doctor about any stomach or kidney issues, pregnancy, or breastfeeding status. Attend regular check-ups and medical tests as recommended by your doctor. Complete the prescribed course to prevent the recurrence of symptoms.

Q: What are the common side effects of ZIFI 200MG TABLET?

– Common side effects may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and bloating. Inform your doctor if these symptoms bother you.

Q: Can I stop taking ZIFI 200MG TABLET once my symptoms subside?

– No, it’s essential to complete the entire course of ZIFI 200MG TABLET as prescribed to ensure effective treatment and prevent the recurrence of infection.

Q: Can the use of ZIFI 200MG TABLET cause diarrhea?

– Yes, diarrhea may occur as a side effect of ZIFI 200MG TABLET. Stay hydrated and consult your doctor if diarrhea worsens.

Q: What should I do if I forget to take a dose of ZIFI 200MG TABLET?

– If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember it. Don’t take the missed dose if the next one is close to due. Do not double the dose.

Q: Zifi 200 vs Augmentin, what are the differences?

– Zifi 200 contains Cefixime, while Augmentin combines amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. Consult a healthcare professional for accurate treatment choices.

Q: Which one is better, Zifi 200 vs azithromycin?

– Both have different mechanisms and effectiveness depending on the infection. Consult a doctor for appropriate treatment.

Q: Can dental infections be treated with Zifi 200MG?

– No, consult your dentist for proper treatment of tooth infections.

Q: Is Zifi 200 effective for a cyst?

– No, consult a doctor for appropriate treatment options.

Q: Can Zifi 200 be used for sore throat?

No, consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Can I take a Zifi 200 tablet for fever and cold?

– No, it’s not meant for viral infections like fever and cold.

Q: Can I stop taking Zifi 200 tablet if I feel better?

– No, complete the entire course as prescribed to avoid antibiotic resistance.

Q: Can I take a Zifi 200 tablet if I have flu?

– No, it’s ineffective against the flu caused by a virus.

Q: Can I take a Zifi 200 tablet for a stomach infection?

– No, consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Q: Why do I experience diarrhea after taking Zifi 200 tablet?

– Antibiotics can disrupt normal gut bacteria, leading to diarrhea.

Q: Is Zifi 200 used for typhoid fever?

– Yes, it’s effective against typhoid fever caused by Salmonella typhi.

Q: Zifi 200 vs. Taxim-O 200; are they the same?

– Both contain Cefixime but may have different indications. Follow your doctor’s advice for appropriate medication.

Q: What is the difference between Zifi 200 and Zifi-O 200 tablets?

– Zifi-O 200 contains ofloxacin in addition to Cefixime. Follow your doctor’s prescription for the correct medication.

Q: Can Zifi be given on an empty stomach?

– Follow your doctor’s instructions on Zifi 200 administration.

Q: Is ZIFI a strong antibiotic?

– It’s a higher-class antibiotic and should be used under medical supervision.

Q: Are ZIFI and azithromycin the same?

– No, they are different medicines with different indications.

Q: Can we take ZIFI 200 with azithromycin?

– Consult a doctor before combining medications.

Q: Is Zifi 200 good for sore throat?

– Consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Q: Can I take Zifi 200 with paracetamol?

– Consult a doctor before combining medications.

Q: How to take Zifi 200?

– Follow your doctor’s instructions on Zifi 200 administration.

Q: How Zifi 200 works?

– It inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis, leading to bacterial death.

Q: How many days should Zifi 200 be taken?

– Follow your doctor’s prescribed duration for treatment.

Q: Can we take Zifi 200 with milk?

– Follow your doctor’s instructions on Zifi 200 administration.

Q:; Is the Zifi 200MG Tablet safe for the kidneys and liver?

– Use caution in liver and kidney disease patients, and follow your doctor’s guidance.

Q: How can I Buy or order a Zifi 200MG Tablet from Aum Pharmacy?

– To buy or order Zifi 200MG Tablet from Aum Pharmacy, follow these simple steps:

  • Search for the product: Visit Aum Pharmacy’s website and search for Zifi 200MG Tablet.
  • Add to cart: Once you find the product, add it.
  • Proceed to checkout: Check your cart and continue to the payment page.
  • Prescription required: Make sure you have a current prescription, as some purchases could need it.
  • Complete your purchase: Complete the required fields to finish your order.

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